ThinkIN China (TIC) was created at the Bridge Café in September 2010 by a small group of young researchers who live and work in China. Since its very beginning TIC was conceived as an informal ‘agora’ for debate on contemporary China. The idea that inspired the birth of TIC was to create a genuine space of reflection, discussion and dialogue about China in the heart of China’s academic crossroad in Wudaokou, Beijing.
Researchers, diplomats & engaged members of the public attending each
ThinkINChina event
Researchers, diplomats & engaged members of the public attending each
ThinkINChina event
ThinkIN China (TIC) was created at the Bridge Café in September 2010 by a small group of young researchers who live and work in China. Since its very beginning TIC was conceived as an informal ‘agora’ for debate on contemporary China. The idea that inspired the birth of TIC was to create a genuine space of reflection, discussion and dialogue about China in the heart of China’s academic crossroad in Wudaokou, Beijing.